Why take chances when it comes to installing your kitchen?
To date, Basic Builders has installed hundreds of IKEA kitchens. We designed the first IKEA certified Kitchen Installer program in the U.S. and also were part of IKEA’s Certified Installer Program while it was active. We love IKEA cabinets and have them in our own home.

We treat your home as if it were our own.
We are guests in your home and treat your space with respect. Our staff makes sure to protect the floors and install dust barriers before work begins. Basic Builders understands that construction is inherently stressful and we strive to minimize that stress, not add to it.
The Process
We remove your existing kitchen, assemble new Sektion cabinets and install them in place. But as they say, the devil is in the details. Doors and drawers are leveled, and fillers and panels are cut to fit ensuring a beautiful, seamless presentation. Moldings are installed to conceal undercabinet lighting. After the counter vendor installs your stone countertops we return to install the backsplash, and ensure the plumbing connections are made. Then, when all the details are in place, we turn your kitchen back over to you.
IKEA Deck Kitchen Complete Makeover
Brooklyn Ikea Kitchen Transformation by Basic Builders